You'll Make More Money If...

Here are a few things to think about.... to help you make more money if..

  1. You sell to affluent people - there are over 600,000 millionaires in the UK
  2. You are offering customers multiple price points
  3. You offer an 'up-sell' as part of your sales process
  4. People can read, see or hear testimonials in your sales process
  5. You give customers a choice of how to pay
  6. You give some sort or guarantee
  7. You have eye-catching advertising, design and copy
  8. You know how to target your prospects with great sales messages
  9. You stay in touch with prospects and buyers
  10. You sell benefits not features
  11. You focus on the most important part of your business - selling
  12. You keep looking for ways to reduce overheads and cut waste - perhaps it's time to stop reviewing those magazine subscriptions!