
Like any aspect of your startup, it's important to do your research before making any major decisions, and raising money may be one of the most important decisions you'll make -- with the greatest long-term impact.

Through this guide we've collected dozens of articles prepared by industry experts, investors, and experienced founders on raising equity capital (selling shares in your company for investment from angel or venture capital investors). It is a "living guide" that we will continue to update as we continue our research and from your feedback.

This is also the first in a series of guides that we are building. The next one will include sources of non-equity funding alternatives - an area that is growing rapidly with new funds and existing funds entering the startup space (including our own Manual Ventures). And we are also preparing a guide called Founders' Experience - a collection of first-hand accounts from seasoned founders who have been through the process of raising funding of all types (please contact us if you'd like to share yours).

If you'd like to join the conversation in alternative paths for building resilient startups, you can join us on the ZebrasUnite network.


Scott Annan.

Cover photo credit: Heisenberg Media