
About Existing D&I Programmes & Models:

  1. Existing D&I strategies are perpetuating the very systems that lead to income and wealth inequality and environmental degradation.
  2. Most D&I programmes still focus on minority faces from mainstream establishment educational backgrounds (e.g. Russell Group Universities), and are designed to train outsiders to "be more insider".
  3. The "invisible others" - those who are culturally and intellectually different and have survived extreme challenges (e.g. dyslexic, autistic, chronic illness sufferers, refugees) - are still not given a voice and are, to a great extent, excluded from leadership positions.

About Ourselves:

  1. Our audience in the room will not be very diverse! However, table members accept that D&I is not about women acting like men or POC (people of colour) acting like white people.
  2. All table members believe that D&I is unquestionably a good thing which could perhaps be better executed.
  3. We may struggle or be uncomfortable with using D&I as a step towards a new and different economic model. There may be some concerns that this is too much of a threat to the status quo, and may have a negative impact on D&I by turning the establishment against it.
  4. It may be difficult for some of us to know how to start a conversation about this with those who are different from us. We may fear being seen as patronising, insensitive or ill-informed.


INPUT REQUEST #4: Assumptions

  • Which assumptions are unclear to you?
  • Which assumptions do you strongly disagree with?
  • What assumptions do you think should be added to the list?