3.1.3 Explain the EnerGuide Rating System conflict of interest guidelines

(ADMIN, App.B3)

  • the conflict of interest guidelines apply to all parties registered, licensed or designated to deliver NRCan's housing initiatives.
    • avoid any apparent conflict of interest
    • advise homeowner or builder at the earliest possible opportunity of any affiliation or interest in a business offering services or products related to NRCan's housing initiatives.
    • ensure interests of client is always above those of any business
    • disclose any possible activites that may be considered conflicts of interest
    • not accept, nor offer commissions or allowances from third parties dealing with clients without written approval from client.
    • builders not act as energy advisors for homes for which they were involved in the construction or renovation
    • REAs may not act as an energy advisor for their own homes
    • failure to comply may result in corrective measures, termination, suspension or withdrawal of registration