What’s So Great About Retargeting?

Besides the fact of having your ads on major media websites for pennies...

Imagine a visitor visits one of your web pages. They searched a keyword in Google and happen to find your page. Just as they are about to click onto your order page, their kid spills a bowl of spaghetti-o's, and off they go to solve this crisis.

Later that night they're reading the USAToday or watching Youtube videos and all of a sudden they see an ad for your product.

BOOM! They just remembered you and clicked back to your order page. This is the magic of retargeting. This is how it multiplies the effectiveness of EVERY minute and EVERY dollar you spend on marketing.

The beauty of retargeting is that you can use it to maximize ANY type of marketing campaign

You can retarget your e-mail subscribers, Facebook ads, JV promotions, SEO, blog articles, and any other marketing channel.

The reason seasoned advertisers love it so much is because it solves the famous Thomas Smith problem...

According to Thomas Smith who wrote a guide called Successful Advertising in 1885:

  • The first time an ad appears, most don't even see it.
  • The second time, they don't notice it.
  • The third time, they are aware that it is there.
  • The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that they've seen it somewhere before.
  • The fifth time, they actually read the ad.

Anyway, it continues all the way until the twentieth time... when they finally buy your product.

He may not have it down to a science, but the point is that the more times someone sees your ad, the more likely that person is to buy from you.

And that's the beauty of retargeting. You're showing ads to people who - you know for a fact - have already shown interest in what you are selling.

It keeps your brand on the top of their mind.

It allows you to follow up with them without needing them to opt-in or fill out a lead sheet.

Read that last line again...

It allows you to follow up with them without needing them to opt-in or fill out a lead sheet.

And 6 months down the road when you release a new product or have a special deal, you have a built in audience to market it too.

Your ads are all over the web for your new product - overnight, or at least it seems that way to the viewers. The rest of the world doesn't know anything has happened.

Such is why some are calling it the "Invisible List."