Day 2

Welcome to day 2 ladies! Now that you've got your goals set, it's time to set your schedules. You've got your mission so it's time to complete the road map!Remember to refer to your goals often and ask your self, "why do I want to exercise" or "why do I want to lose this weight".

There is so much more to it than just wanting to looking great in a bathing suit.If you can understand the difference between wanting to want to train 4,5,6 days a week because of your goals, values and morals vs. training 4,5,6 days a week because it's what you're suppose to do then you can decide whether or not it is something you even want to fit in! Remember, when it comes to accomplishing your fitness goals we suggest doing something you enjoy doing and following a schedule you can actually stick to instead of one that won't work for you!

If you have not already done so, you are all welcome to join the private Facebook group that we are using as a discussion board and a way for you to get a hold of your coaches!