Just like we talked about yesterday, eating consistently is the key to burning fat, and so are doing the right exercises. One of the best ways to tell if what you are doing is working for you or not is to asses your body and see if has changed or not.
If the answer is no then something needs to change. Long cardio workouts or long leisurely walks with our girlfriends are often really nice and a great stress reliever however, they aren't the best ingredient when it comes to weight loss.
It's time to put your big girl panties on and ask yourself if you are really training hard enough to lose the fat you want to lose. What we mean by training hard enough is, are you pushing yourself or are you just working out?
Your body has three main energy systems that we use while working out. Put very simply, you have your aerobic system, your anaerobic system, and your a-lactic system.
Although the aerobic system sounds like the way to go, unless you want to literally train like a marathon runner, become a marathon runner, and dedicate that amount of time, on an average women's body, a ton of aerobic training usually results in zero fat loss, no muscle building and whole lot of frustration.What does that mean for you?
Most of you doing the RUNYourLife Coaching Boot Camp want to be working the lactic and a-lactic energy systems. This means, shorter workouts at a higher intensity, building more lactic acid. Working this energy system will help you burn the fat you need to accomplish your goals. And we know what you're all thinking, "but coach, what if I bulk up??"
We promise that with this type of training it is virtually impossible, it is very difficult for a women to bulk up without some added help via banned substances and a whole lot of time in the gym! The workout today will best demonstrate this and help drive home this lesson!