
Instead of WordPress building your page each time, you can use a Cache plugin to create a pre-built version of your page to show the visitor. This could be the difference between a 0.5 second load time and 5 second load time. Another benefit is that most of these plugins also have a number of other optimizations, like compression and lazy loading.

We often use W3 Total Cache, but there are many great optimization plugins like Autoptimize, LiteSpeed Cache and many more.

How to Install W3 Total Cache:

  1. In your WordPress Dashboard click on Plugins on the left, then Add New.
  2. Search for W3 Total Cache and then click Install Now. When the installation finishes, click Activate to activate the plugin.

Here are some settings we suggest setting up right away:

  1. Access the W3 Total Cache settings by clicking Performance in the menu, then General Settings below that.
  2. Please select the following options
    • Enable Page Cache - Method: Disk Enhanced
    • Enable Minify - Mode: Auto
    • Enable Database cache - Method: Disk
    • Enable Object Cache - Method: Disk
    • Enable Browser Cache
  3. Click Save Settings & Purge Caches