Account Details

Profile Details
From the Lobby, you can change your Account Details by hovering over the Account Name in the navigation bar (between the Search Field and the orange Create button). Then, hover over Account and select Profile.

Here, you will find your User Profile Details, such as your Name and Phone Number. Editing your Account Details is as simple as double-clicking on the field you wish to edit and replace it with the new information.

Cloud Storage
You will find a section titled Cloud Storage where you have the ability to connect your SeamlessDocs account with cloud networks, such as Box, Google Drive, and Dropbox. Clicking on the blue "Connect with..." buttons, a popup from the respective service will appear asking for your login credentials and permission to connect. The benefit of connecting to cloud storage sites is that you can access files in your Dropbox, for example, make changes on SeamlessDocs, and then save your file within Dropbox.

Company Details
Alternatively, you can also view and edit the Account Details of your company by clicking on the Company tab. This will be the default information for your Digital Letterhead.

You can also upload a custom logo for your company by clicking on the Edit Your Logo button. Your logo will also be displayed on your Digital Letterhead, which is displayed to the left of your form or SeamlessDoc in Live Mode.