Editing A Document

Auto-Detecting Fields

Once you upload a document and go to edit mode, you will have the option to Auto-Detect the fields. Otherwise, you can manually drag and drop elements on to your SeamlessDoc. Below you will find a brief description of the possible elements that can be added.

1. General Elements

Add Text: If you are the one who is going to type something in the field, drag this to the field and start typing. Your end user will not be able to edit this field.

Text Field: This is if someone else needs to complete the field.

Add Check: This is if you are the one who needs to add a check to a field.

Checkbox: This is if someone else needs to add a checkmark to a field. This will allow the end user to select multiple options

Radio Button: This is if someone needs to choose only one of multiple options. For example, selecting between male and female.

2. Signature

Signature: Field for adding your signature to the document.

Signature Initials: Field for adding initials to the document.

Date Signed: Date of Signature will be added automatically to this field.

Signer Full Name: Field where signer's name will be inserted automatically.

3. Specialty

Select Menu: Use this element to add a drop-down menu for multiple options.

Existing Field: Element where the contents of another field will be duplicated automatically upon completion. For example, if there are multiple places in your SeamlessDoc where your Full Name is necessary, just add Existing Fields. Once the signer has filled out their name in the first field, all succeeding fields (where the signer's full name is) will be populated as well.

Whiteout: Whiteout will cover text with white space.