Form Settings

Editing Form Name

By default, the name of a web form will be Untitled Form. To change the name, simply double-click Untitled Form in the Form Builder and the name will become editable. Replace the name with your custom text and click away to save.

Customizing Form URL
To change the form's URL, click on File > Customize URL. A popup will appear and you will be able to change the generated form alias to one that is more recognizable, as shown below.

Saving as a Template
To save your form as a template for future use, click on File > Save As A Template. A popup will appear where you can provide a Template Name and Description and select a Template Collection. Click on Save to complete the process.

General Settings is where you can change the name of your form, customize the URL or turn toggle on to make your form more secure and do much more. To reach your general settings, go to Settings > General.

SEO Settings: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) settings can be altered to enable your web form or SeamlessDoc to appear in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

Disable Form Storage: If you would like to store the submissions of your web form or SeamlessDoc on a cloud storage network, but not on SeamlessDocs, use this setting for additional security.

Form Expiration Date: Restrict access to your form after a certain date.

Password Protected: Password protect your form so that only those who have the password can access the form.

Limited Submissions: Limit the amount of submissions for your form.

Disable "Download Original": Restrict users from downloading your SeamlessDoc.

Notifications is where you can edit who will receive an email every time a form is submitted. By default, the admin of the form will receive the email. Under "Recipient's Email" you can specify who will be notified of the form's activities. Users can also add a custom message to be sent with the notifications.

Thank You Page
The Thank You page is a default feature that pops up after someone submits a form. In edit mode, click Settings > Thank You Page to change the settings. You can disable the default message, add a custom message, or redirect a user to a different web page. For example, after a client submits a form, he/she can be redirected to a page on your website for further information. If you have other documents that have to be completed, you can redirect users to those documents as well.

Within the Advanced Form Settings, you will find tabs for Integrations and Custom CSS. Integrations enable you to connect your form with third party services, such as Google Analytics and Zapier.

Custom CSS allows you to customize the visual aspect of your form. For example, you can change the background color or hide the Digital Letterhead (for the CSS code to hide the Digital Letterhead, scroll down to the Tips section).

Cloud Sync
You also have the ability to connect your SeamlessDocs account with cloud storage networks, such as Box, Google Drive, and Dropbox. For a specific web form or SeamlessDoc, you can customize the Cloud Sync settings to save the submissions as PDFs or CSV documents and specify a folder within your cloud storage account to store the submissions.

Digital Letterhead
The Digital Letterhead is our vision of how a company letterhead should function in a paperless world. Your company's contact information, along with the logo, will appear in the Live Mode for all web forms and SeamlessDocs.