
If you are using SeamlessDocs where multiple people need to have access to your web forms or SeamlessDocs, then Users will be a great tool.

You can add Users by going into your Account Settings and clicking on the Users tab.

You will automatically* see three predefined groups: Administrators, Members, and Visitors.

From this screen, you can Edit a user's details, such as their Name, Email Address, Status, and User Group.

You can also request to Reset the user's password, by clicking on the Send Reset Password Link towards the bottom of the popup. This will send a link to the email address specified in the User Details.

As an administrator, you can also add users to a group by clicking on the Add Users link under the group section.

A blank popup similar to User Details will appear. The only difference will be the Temp Password field. After filling out the necessary information and clicking Save, a new user will be added to the specified User Group. An email will be sent to the new user along with the temporary password that you set. During their initial login, they will be requested to change their password.

*Note: if you have a Free SeamlessDocs account, you will need to upgrade your account to add more users.