Exercise: Exploring the creation of a new organisational narrative

We suggest that you start by exploring your motivations for introducing a new organisational narrative. You may want to consider whether existing narratives are problematic, conflicting, or simply insufficient. Is a new narrative being triggered by internal or external events, or a combination of both?

Next, think about what this new organisational narrative could be. Also think about how this emerging narrative connects with existing narratives. For example, an existing narrative around financial stewardship for clients combined with new information relating to climate change and stranded assets could be built into a potential new narrative around responsible or resilient financial stewardship.

Consider involving others in this step. A participatory co-creation process with key influencers in your organisation will strengthen the understanding of and commitment to a new organisational narrative. As you describe the emerging narrative, remember the following pointers:

Organisational narratives

  • Express the identity, purpose, and strategy of the organisation;
  • Honestly capture the essence of people's day-to-day experiences;
  • Should be in language that everyone in the organisation understands, and in time, can explain easily to others.