A key component of shifting narrative infrastructure will involve capturing and crafting new supporting stories or deliberately reframing existing supporting stories. Our Storytelling for Sustainability Guide provides more detail and examples of how to capture and craft stories.
Building organisational members' understanding and ownership of new narratives and new supporting stories takes sustained engagement over time. The next page details some mechanisms to support in shifting your narrative infrastructure.
Mechanisms to support shifting your narrative infrastructure:
- Develop conversational competencies: the work to shape narratives is mostly conversational and to be successful requires the development of listening and dialogue skills.
- Include the key messages and supporting stories you want to amplify in formal communication channels, such as company magazines and reports.
- Use short videos for internal audiences to formalise and share some of the most compelling supporting stories. We have found that internal audiences benefit from stories that are shared with authenticity that invite them to be part of the change movement, as opposed to glossy marketing materials.
- Help executive leaders to feel comfortable telling these new stories in internal and external platforms.
- Encourage managers to share supporting stories during meetings or other daily talks. Then invite employees to share their experiences as well.
- Make an online platform available where employees can read and comment on the new stories and also share some of their own.
- Set aside dedicated time for employees and leaders to discuss and debate the shifting narrative infrastructure and supporting stories in facilitated workshops.