Let's go back and look at the Expression theme in the theme store. Open up the theme store. In the search box at the top right, type "expression" and activate the search by pressing the return or enter key on your keyboard. You will be brought to a page with the four styles of the Expression theme. As from before, placing the mouse pointer over each of the styles will show you the theme name, style and price. Let's click on the Ocean style to take a look at the theme in more detail.
is the description page for the Ocean style of the Expression
theme. On the left, you can see the description of the theme as
written by the theme developers. There is also the price for the
theme, a button to get the theme, a link to view a demo of the
theme and information about who provides support for the theme.
This theme cost $150 when I wrote this. On the right, there is a
screenshot of the theme as it appears on a computer and a
Looking further down the page, you can see the four styles available for the Expression theme. Below that, you will find reviews of the theme written by other store owners. This can be very helpful in choosing your theme. You can not only read the general views of the store owners, but also visit their stores to see what they have been able to do with the theme.
Take a look at the screenshot of the great Vivcore store that I found in the screenshot below. That's using the Expression theme. Continuing down below the reviews, there are also some more themes by the same theme developer.
Let's go and look at the demo store for
the Expression Ocean theme style. Go back to the theme
description page and click the View demo link beside the
Get theme button. This will open up the demo store in a
new window or tab of your web browser.
Take a look around the demo store, notice how it is laid out and what elements are on each type of page. Look at the store homepage, a collection, a product page, the blog and a page like the "About Us". The Expression theme is a rich theme with many attractive features.
Most themes have a page which list the features of the theme and answers basic questions about the features. Often this page shows you the theme settings page as it will appear in your store admin if you purchase the theme. This illustrates how to control the theme from the admin. For Expression Ocean, there is one page that explains the theme's features and a second page, called "Setting It All Up" that shows how to control the features in the store admin. You'll find the links to these two pages in the store navigation.
Have a read through the theme features page. This theme's features include: