When you first begin your life on the run you are bound to make mistakes.
One additional mistake is this: not recording where you screwed up and what you should do the next time.
The best way to keep track is the age old solution of travelers and pioneers: keep a journal or diary.
I recommend the popular Moleskine Classic Notebook. It's sturdy and portable and you can grab one almost anywhere. I have many of them filled with non-zombie survival notes.
You can use any of the millions of ballpoint pens that are lying around everywhere, or you can revert to using the trusty and reliable pencil. You can sharpen a pencil with your knife and they last a very long time. They're light enough to carry several in a pocket of your pack. The official pencil of zombie fighters everywhere remains the Dixon Ticonderoga #2 in Yellow.
It's not hard to keep a journal and it might help you through the dark hours. At the end of the day simply sit down, recall the events of the day, and write them down.
Years later when your grandchildren are rebuilding civilization your detailed survival notes may become a great cultural treasure. Or your notebook might help you find your way back to that unlooted store with lots of winter clothing months from now.
And about actual bears: you may actually witness bears. For the sake of the gods (who, since the dead have risen, have forsaken you), please leave the bears alone. Bears are not cute, cuddly, or in any shape or fashion safe to be around.
In a choice between fighting a bear and fighting a zombie, I'll fight a zombie any day.