3. Expert Opinions: What Professionals Recommend

Understanding the perspectives of chiropractors and massage therapists can illuminate the ideal timing for these treatments and how they complement each other.

Chiropractors' Perspective: Chiropractors emphasize that the decision between a pre-adjustment massage and a post-adjustment massage should be based on individual circumstances. Some chiropractors prefer working with relaxed muscles, as it can facilitate adjustments. They may recommend a massage before an adjustment if you're experiencing significant muscle tension that could hinder the adjustment process.

Massage Therapists' Perspective: Massage therapists often consider chiropractic adjustments as a form of body manipulation that can be complemented by massage. They suggest that a post-adjustment massage can help sustain the benefits of the adjustment. After spinal realignment, muscles may need to adapt to the new positioning, and a massage can aid in this process. Massage therapists also recommend a massage after the adjstment to help relax the body and mind.