Experiment 1

The first experiment was to set a weekly goal for ab work that would ramp up every week. I decided to start with a set of exercises that would give me a simple task that I could complete:

Experiment 1:

1. 100 crunches lying on my back with my toes to the celing

2. 100 crunches with my knees bent and to my chest.

The goal was to do this everyday for 6 weeks and see the results.

By week two I started to see some results. My waist started trimming just a bit and I could see the top two abs emerging from my carb loaded belly. It was very encouraging! I would get a tight sensation in my stomach that let me know the muscles were working and I hoped growing.

By Week 3 however I quickly plateaued. My stomach looked much better than when I started but week 4 and 5 showed no real difference.

The conclusion:

A great way to start. The results were quick but brief, however it left me motivated to try another experiment.

The verdict:

I would use this for the first two weeks to get me motivated to really get into the work!