The 50 mg Anadrol treated group gained 3.3 kilograms of lean body mass
and lost 2.6 kg of fat. The 100 mg Anadrol treated group gained 4.2
kilograms of lean body mass and lost 2.5 kg of fat. Looking at lean body
mass, we can see that when comparing the two dosage groups, the 100 mg
group only gained 0.9 kg lean body mass more than the 50 mg group. ????
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Note: Liver strain is not particularly concerning on Anadrol if a
moderate dose/cycle is performed. Anadrol Dosage. Male bodybuilders will
often take 50-100mg of Anadrol per day for 4-8 weeks. An effective dose
for women looking to build muscle is 12.5-25mg per day for 4-6 weeks.
Anadrol 50mg or 100mg ? Ive done 3 bulking cycles, was thinking of doing
another bulking cycle. Ive never tried anadrol before to kick start a
cycle before. Not sure if i should do 50mg ed or 100mg ed for 4 weeks?
09-03-2006, 04:47 PM #2. LatinoPR. Anabolic Member Join Date Mar 2005
Location somewhere in HELL !!! Posts content
Contents hide. 1 #1 - Anadrol makes you full, hard and veiny. 2 #2 - The
strength gains from Anadrol are legendary. 3 #3 - You might gain up to
20-30 lbs. in 6-weeks. 4 #4 - You can use up to 100mg/day with very
little hepatotoxicity. 5 #5 - Anadrol gives you the perfect roid
aggression. 6 Anadrol and side effects.
Rarely anadrol users go below
50 mg, however many (most in fact) dianabol users use less than 50 mg.
They must be compared at equal doses, otherwise is comparing apples and
oranges. How 50 mg dianabol compares to 50 mg anadrol? or 75/75,
100/100, 150/150, etc?
Anadrol is predominantly taken orally (in tablet form). The typical
dosage of Anadrol-50 is 50-100mg per day. However, beginners often start
as low as 25mg. A dose 50mg each day is effective, but higher doses may
be required for more experienced users. How to Take Anadrol. Anadrol
typically comes in 50mg pills. To keep optimal levels of oxymetholone in
your bloodstream, it is advised to take 2 doses throughout the day
(instead of one). Therefore, if you are taking 100mg per day you can
simply take 2 pills. For a total dose of 50mg per day, you can use a
pill cutter to split the pills in half.
Anadrol-50mg or 100mg ED? (Forum for members to discuss the use of
anabolic steroids) Results 1 to 20 of 20 Thread: Anadrol-50mg or 100mg
ED?. get a doc draw blood once a month and take drol half a pill ed , I
used to take drol 100 mg ed, pow! the fucken power u get and mass, u
never seen in anything like it, u feel powerful. may I SUGGEST. published here