On any given training day we do two or three of the following sets of exercises after our cardio workout. If we anticipate being able to workout every weekday, we will use the last two days of the week to push harder and complete the entire set in just 2 days.
Warmup: 15-30 minutes of cardio
Aim to workout 3-5 days a week and try to start every session with somewhere between 15-30 minutes of cardio. Rotate between cardio machines or get outside and go for a run.
Muscle Group:
My shoulder workout consists of shoulder presses and lateral raises in a superset (each exercise back-to-back, then rest). I do 3 sets of ~12 reps using dumbbells.
Muscle Group: Biceps
My only bicep exercise is dumbell curls. I alternate each arm and do 3 sets of 20. I superset my bicep workout with lunges, still holding the dumbbells.
Muscle Group: Triceps
I do tricep workouts on the cables using the rope attachment. We do supersets of bent-over tricep extensions and tricep push downs.
Muscle Group: Back
I use specific cable machines for back exercises. We superset cable seated rows and cable pulldowns, usually 3 sets of ~12. For lower back I do lifts using the Roman chair, usually holding a single 10-pound barbell weight to my chest.
Muscle Group: Chest
For chest we superset bench presses (I just use the 45-pound bar) and flies using dumbbells. For these I'm happy to get through 3 sets of 10.
Muscle Group: Legs
I'm not fond of the quadricep and hamstring equipment at my gym (my partner uses them), so I only use the machines for V-squats and hip extensions. I do 3 sets of 20, and superset if the gym isn't too busy.
Muscle Group: Abs
Each day we rotate between the various abdominal equipment we find in the gym. This usually includes hanging leg raises, incline crunches and a few others.