Free Foods

Here's a list of all the foods you can eat freely:

MEAT/FOWL: Chicken breast, turkey breast, pork, cornish game hen, ham, organ meats, organ meats, pate, beef liver, chicken liver, beef, bacon, chicken, duck, fowl, goose, kidney, lamb, pork chops, spare ribs, turkey, veal, wild game. (Make sure there's no sugary sauces)

SEAFOOD: Catfish, cod, flounder, haddock, halibut, perch, scrod, sole, trout, tuna, turbot, anchovies, caviar, herring, mussel, sardine, abalone, clam, crab, crayfish, lobster, mackerel, octopus, oyster, salmon, scallop, shrimp, snail, squid

Note: It's crucial that you consume animals that are fed their natural diet and natural living conditions as this will impact the quality of the food.

DAIRY: Whey and cheeses from grass fed cows, organic cream, free range eggs

NUTS/SEEDS: Walnuts, pumpkin, peanut, sunflower, sesame, almond, cashew, brazil, filbert, pecan, chestnut, pistachio, coconut, hickory, macadamia. (For better absorption, soak them in water overnight)

OIL/FAT: For high heat cooking use organic butter or extra virgin coconut oil. For medium heat use extra virgin olive oil. Supplement with flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil or add to salads

SPICES: Sea salt, Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, stevia, any organic spicesBEVERAGES: Water, soda water, herbal teas, red wine (1 glass/day), organic coffee (1 cup/day no sugar)

HOMEMADE SAUCES: Mustard, vinegar, tamari, salsa, hot sauce, lemon garlic, ginger, mayonnaise or any sauce that can be made from the ingredients above