Program Terminology

OVERTRAINING is a physical, behavioral, and emotional condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's stress exceeds their recovery capacity. Overtraining causes you to cease making progress, lose strength, fitness and motivation and become prone to injury and even sickness. It is very common in athletes and weekend warriors that do not follow a periodized program.

OVERREACHING is the early stage of over training and a warning sign to lower volume.

THE OPTIMAL TRAINING ZONE is the perfect zone for building muscle without over stressing the body. It's the perfect mix of volume to create a strong enough stimulus while avoiding overtraining. It's the healthiest and most sustainable way to train.

THE SUB OPTIMAL TRAINING ZONE does not allow for enough volume to create adaptation and supercompensation towards the next workout.

THE RAMP UP is used for 3 consecutive weeks in order to increase total volume and allow your body to adapt to the upcoming training phase. Studies have shown, three weeks to be the optimal ramp up before the body can no longer adapt.

THE TRAINING PHASE is where you will see a great deal of progress in your strength and the focus should be on increasing the weight being lifted.