
You've completed Free Form Fitness's SUPER FIT® program.

At this point you should have a good foundation of fitness and your body fat should be at a healthy level. If you're not there yet, you may want to start the program over again. Since you are leaner and stronger than when you first started, you will only continue to improve your fitness.

If you feel you've reached your fitness goal and you want to take it to a new level, why not try the SUPER LEAN program.

Like sculpting a statue, an artist must first remove a lot of material in order to start creating his vision. As his sculpture begins to take shape his attention turns to more specific work, diving into the smaller details to reach perfection.

The difference between the Super Fit program and the Super Lean program is that we move from a more general style of training to a more specific one - Where the Super Fit program gets you in great shape and lowers your body fat, the Super Lean program is more specific and dives into the details of perfecting a symmetrical physique. The periodized approach stays the same but the training and nutrition calls for a little more fine tuning in order to reach perfection.

If you liked this program, you will love the next one.