About this Guide

This guide is part of an online series of resources that we are developing for practitioners working to embed sustainability at their organizations.

Our resources are co-created with our members based on an extensive review of academic research, practitioner guidance and feedback from experts. Preliminary versions are trialled in workshops and in pilot projects in our partner companies, through working with global practitioners in executive, sustainability, operations, human resources, marketing, and communication roles in a range of industries. Feedback is then incorporated into successive versions of the resource.

It is important to note that our research is ongoing. We recognize that the knowledge presented here is provisional and we invite you to participate in improving these resources.

What next?

We also developed a tactical inventory to help you support your CEO. This inventory helps you to reflect on a set of tactics to support your CEO, catalyzing better decision making around sustainability. By scanning the inventory, you may identify tactics appropriate for your own setting.

For more resources to help you embed sustainability, please visit us at:
