Changing The Workplace Culture

Changing the physical environment of a workplace is easy.

Changing the workplace culture is A LOT more challenging. People have preconceived notions and prejudices that are oftentimes deeply engrained, and changing those will sometimes be an uphill battle.

But it's worth it.

Hiring people with disabilities doesn't just improve the talent pool within an organization - it also improves the company culture. By adding highly motivated people to the workforce and promoting an inclusive culture, it supports and improves company culture for existing employees and makes the company more attractive to potential employees.

So, no it won't necessarily be easy to chance everyone's mind overnight, but here are a few examples of company practices that business can take on that will promote inclusivity:

  • Provide sign language interpreters/captioners as needed
  • Change meeting venues if necessary to promote ease of access
  • Install a visual signal to complement the auditory alarm
  • Ensure workplace emergency procedures are developed to ensure the safety of all employees
  • Educate all staff on disability: Does new staff orientation include disability awareness training? Are training materials available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, and captioning? Do employees with disabilities serve as mentors for new hires who do not have disabilities? Providing disability education dispels myths and enables all staff to make sound disability employment decisions.
