Teal stage of consciousness

To understand the Teal organizational paradigm it is necessary to understand the level of human consciousness that it comes from. Abraham Maslow, the pioneering psychologist, and other authors agree that the shift from Green to Teal is a particularly momentous one in the human journey - so much so that Clare W. Graves, another psychologist known for his work in developmental models, and others in his wake have used the term "first-tier" consciousness for all stages up to and including Green and the term "second-tier" for the stages starting with Teal. All "first-tier" stages consider that their worldview is the only valid one, and that all other people are dangerously mistaken.[2] People transitioning to Teal can accept, for the first time, that there is an evolution in consciousness, that there is a momentum in evolution towards ever more complex and refined ways of dealing with the world (hence the term "Evolutionary-Teal").[3][4] See also Developmental Perspective on Organizations.