Lack of demand for sorted PCT

Currently, there is no certainty on the size and demand of all post-consumer textiles end-markets. This arises both from the relative immaturity of some recycling technologies as well as from the lack of awareness of availability and potential of recycled fibres and fabrics made from PCT by brands and consumers. Nevertheless, since the starting date of this project there has been significant advancement in textile chemical recycling technologies which now can be expected to reach the market at full scale in the next 3-6 years. Some PCT outputs already have an end-market, such as wool, however, for other PCT materials there is still great uncertainty on future industry requirements. Hence, there is no standard information on what to sort for and who to sell to. An increase in demand for recycled post-consumer fibre from spinners, fabric mills, brands, retailers and consumers, is needed in order to start providing more certainty to collectors, sorters and recyclers in the value chain. Another issue which decreases the attractiveness of sorted PCT for recyclers is the lack of technology present at sorting facilities to remove hardware and tags at efficient speed, comprehensive with the sorting speed provided by the Fibersort.