The Causes of Text Neck Syndrome

The primary cause of Text Neck Syndrome is the forward head posture adopted when using electronic devices. When we tilt our heads forward to look at screens, the weight exerted on the neck significantly increases. The human head, which weighs about 10-12 pounds in a neutral position, can feel up to 60 pounds of pressure when the head is tilted at a 60-degree angle. This unnatural posture puts immense strain on the neck muscles, ligaments, and spinal discs, leading to chronic discomfort and pain.

Moreover, the prevalence of text neck is not limited to smartphones; it extends to various handheld devices and even computers. The adoption of digital devices for extended periods has led to a sedentary lifestyle, further contributing to the prevalence of text neck.

Additionally, factors like poor posture during other activities, such as reading physical books or studying, can also exacerbate the risk of developing text neck. The overall lack of awareness about maintaining proper posture while using electronic devices has become a significant factor contributing to the growing incidence of this condition.