Impact of Excessive Device Use on Neck Health

The consequences of Text Neck Syndrome extend beyond immediate discomfort. Over time, the repetitive stress on the cervical spine can result in musculoskeletal imbalances, leading to chronic neck pain and reduced flexibility. The prolonged forward head posture can cause the cervical spine to lose its natural curvature, affecting the overall alignment of the spine.

Furthermore, the strain placed on the neck muscles and ligaments can lead to microtrauma and inflammation. The repeated stress on the soft tissues can cause them to weaken and become more susceptible to injury. The muscles in the neck and upper back may tighten or develop trigger points, leading to tension headaches and reduced range of motion.

Apart from the physical impact, text neck can also have psychological effects. Individuals suffering from chronic neck pain and discomfort may experience irritability, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances, affecting their overall quality of life.