Seek Attitude Shift Over Methodology Adoption

When we started Founder-Centric, we thought we were hired to teach founders about Business Model Generation and Lean Startup. What we learned is that our true value comes from attitude shift, where founders understand and apply the principles, rather than go through the motions with the tools.

In the early part of the program, help founders build their toolset, but beware that insisting on any specific tools or methodologies can have unintended consequences on their team dynamic and relationship with you. Methodologies often take time to get right - time the team doesn't have to spare. Principles, on the other hand, are easily grasped and rallied-around.

Just like there's a difference between learning to be a hacker, and learning how to program, there's a difference between learning to be founder and learning how to "do Lean Startup." Both can be taught, but one is more effective.