Like most marketing programs, advocate marketing should be measured and optimized over time. As part of this effort, marketing should analyze strategic metrics that show performance against business objectives like advocate revenue contribution. At the same time, marketing needs to pay attention to operational and tactical metrics that highlight things like advocate participation rates.
Strategic advocate marketing metrics
Strategic metrics should correlate to the business objectives identified in the planning process. Examples include:
Tactical advocate marketing metrics
These are the fruits of your advocates' labors. They should be tracked and analyzed against your objectives and compared month over month, quarter over quarter, and year over year.
Operational advocate marketing metrics
Operational metrics track the performance of the advocate marketing program itself. You can think of these metrics as fitting into an advocate marketing funnel, measuring the input and output of your program:
There are dozens of potential metrics to analyze, but the most important thing is to focus on three to five metrics to start. Track these metrics regularly (try to do this weekly) and take action against them.
In fact, you should use these metrics as the basis for a weekly advocate marketing meeting where you can discuss the performance of the program. The most important part of this meeting is to make sure that you're taking action based on the data. You should pay particular attention to which types of advocates are most responsive to your requests and which types of campaigns perform the best.
In as little as a few weeks, you'll have a good understanding of which advocates deliver the most value, which campaigns drive the most engagement, and which business initiatives benefit the most from the advocate marketing program.