Social Metrics

Social media metrics are also important to track if you rely on social media to gain exposure, spread messages, and drive traffic and leads. Here are a few metrics you should be tracking

  • Conversation rate : This one is fairly straightforward since it's based on the number of conversations per post. On responses to Tweets, and comments on other social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and more.
  • Amplification rate: Any time a post is retweeted or re-shared, it's being amplified. You are allowed by all of the networks to achieve this, so think as the quantity of repins, retweets, or reshares of a certain post.
  • Applause rate: Every social network out there has a simple way for users to show their appreciation, also called applause. Twitter hashearts, Facebook has likes, Google+ has plusses, and many others upvotes and thumbs ups.
  • Relative Engagement Rates: All engagement metrics are different because based on different social networks. However you can calculate a relative engagement rate to help you compare results between social networks.