Initial messages sent between the hours of 8AM and 5PM are 39% more likely to achieve a reply than those sent after 5PM. Based on the hundreds of initial messages sent by members in our first month alone, the statistics are crystal clear: the initial advance is more effective by day than by night.
While the exact causality of the stark difference in reply rates is unknowable, our staff agrees on a few theories:
This is all rather unfortunate for the busy bee that cannot take a break from work during the day. However, it's worth pointing out that the hours of 8PM to 10PM also scored decently. In the end, just play it smart: don't send your initial advances during dinner time or late at night.
Sparkology's behavioral algorithms track all kinds of user data to arrive at the right matches. This data also generates statistics that will help online daters regardless of the platform they choose. In the current analysis, the hours of 5PM through 8AM were set as the standard of 1.0 and response rates from 8AM through 5PM were benchmarked against it.
Evolved: Sharing our knowledge so you can date better.
ED has got to be a terrifying issue for a man. Trying to tell the lady in his life about it has got to be terrifying times a million. Not to put it too harshly, but she may have already rather failed a trial balloon or two when he tried to talk to her about it. Jeff would be best suited to offer up specifics, but I'm thinking this issue or any hint of this issue would have to be handled with utmost love and sensitivity and reassurance.
I would also point out that his jealousy almost certainly stems from his very real fear of losing her to someone who can, ahem, perform. From the tone of her letter, it sounds like she is actually reinforcing those fears right now. Which makes him more defensive and afraid. Vicious. Circle.
I would find some way to bring the ED out in to the open and in to a doctor's office. I just don't think any man in the history of homo sapiens has ever uttered those words in the presence of his lady fair without there being a giant whopping frightening absolutely unavoidable reason to do so. If there wasn't such an issue, he never would have mentioned it. There may be other issues, but ain't nuthin' happenin' noway no how until this is cleared up any way. Good luck.
I appreciate that "ED" is a very sensitive subject, and I'm not down playing the seriousness of it. But this guy sounds selfish. One thing that stands out most is the fact that he asks for oral sex. So my question is shouldn't he give oral sex if he is not functioning properly? It sounds like he is getting his rocks off feeling you up, getting oral sex ect…but not taking care of you. There are alot of ways he can please you, if one tool is not working use another. In my opinion this guy is focused on his pleasure only.