Ice — The Icy Ally in the Battle Against Swelling

Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, plays a crucial role in pain reduction and swelling control. While traditional ice packs are commonly used, alternative methods such as cold soaks can also prove effective. When applying cold therapy at home, it is recommended to place crushed ice in a sealed freezer bag and wrap it in a soft towel to create a protective barrier between the ice pack and the skin.

In a pinch, frozen vegetables like green beans, peas, or edamame can serve as makeshift ice packs. Remember to always use a towel as a protective layer. Cold therapy should be applied in cycles of 10 to 15 minutes, followed by a resting period of 1 to 2 hours. If direct application is not feasible, positioning the ice pack on the joint above the injured area can still provide therapeutic benefits.