Finding A Non-intrusive Touchpoint

So we now have:

  • Our customer identified
  • A point of conversion identified
  • A funnel to conversion created

All that's missing is our customer. We have to get in touch with them somehow. We need to find a touch point where we can reach out to someone new, make them feel welcome, and smoothly tip them into our conversion funnel. Generally, these are already available on the network you've started exploring, if perhaps less obvious. So let's think about the functionality contained within the network we're using, and really dissect the existing network There are five obvious ways I can get in touch with a Johnny using Instagram :

  1. Tag Him In A Photo
  2. Comment on one of his photos
  3. Like one of his photos
  4. Follow him
  5. Send him a direct message

It seems pretty simple, but this is actually enough of a framework to work from; we just have to utilize as many of these as we can to reach all of the Johnnys of the world, as effectively as we can.

Let's walk through them one by one to identify the promising ones.