One of the ways we're going to beat this system is by finding people with larger yet untapped audiences.
If you have 1 million followers you are probably approached for
shoutouts several times per day. If you have 100,000 followers you
are probably approached several times a week (and more if you're on
a shoutout selling network). If you're approached that often, you
can piece together some semblance market-based pricing (using what
people are willing to pay), and likely have an idea of what the
price of such a service should be.
What the price should be is "expensive." We want to find the people
who don't know it should be expensive yet.
In my experience, those with between 50,000 followers and 100,000 followers are virtually never approached for shoutouts. Because of this, they have no price set for a shoutout, and we can often buy shoutouts from those folks for cheap.
Buying a shoutout from an account with 1 million followers has
run people I've worked with as much as $20,000. Yet I've purchased
dozens of shoutouts from accounts with ~50,000 followers for
Let's assume, for a moment, we put in the legwork to find 20
accounts with 50,000 followers and paid each of them $10 for a
shoutout. We pay $200 to reach the same number of followers other
folks are paying $20,000 to reach. A $19,800 savings by putting in
a little more work and creativity - that's exactly what growth
hacking is.
Your numbers may be slightly different, but $10 per shoutout serves
as a good starting point.