The Mobile Product Manager 

The role and requirements of a mobile product manager are, simply put, vast. Product managers must live and breathe their product. They must assume the identity of the product, be invested emotionally, file more bugs than anyone else, and forget about the concept of vacation months prior to any launch. A product manager should be an amateur architect - able to conceive from start to finish what needs to be done to create a successful mobile product and how to do it.

What does success look like for a mobile product manager?

Success is meeting the milestones that you have mapped out and committed to. It is getting a functional product out the door according to plan. Success is understanding how the product fares in the market, and being able to adjust properly, pivot, and quickly make decisions based off of customer feedback and general performance.

Numerically, success can be based on a certain amount of revenue earned each month or continually growing your daily active customers.

No matter what your goals are, having clearly defined expectations will help in every stage of app development, launch, and management.