How To Go Through This Guide Without Getting Overwhelmed

Remember how I said I'm a people pleaser by nature? I promise that my intention of this guide is not to turn you into one by trying to make all your guests happy all the time. You'd be an absolute basket case. This guide is really meant to help you. Most of the time it's just information that maybe you've never even heard of. The best thing you can do is, while you're working on a specific thing - say…invitations - you flip to the section on invitations and read it as you make decisions. For example, you're wanting to save money on invitations. There are ideas on saving money, and then there are also things you should not do to save money, because for one reason or another, certain money-saving ideas just don't work. So basically, when you don't know which way to go when choosing venues, registries, food, I tell you what has worked really well for other brides in the past and what hasn't. You'll make an informed decision faster, and I just saved you a few sleepless nights. You're welcome!

But hey, your heart's set on a certain wedding cake? Don't let my heartless advice dissuade you.

Also, while you don't have to read this guide in order, I do recommend that you read all of it at some point before your wedding, as there may be some things you would have never thought before. Lastly, to be as helpful as I can, I've included a wedding planning checklist to help you.