The Alcohol Bar

What's a wedding without the booze?

I went alcohol-free at my wedding, but if you're considering providing alcohol at your reception, here's what you should know…

Open Bar vs. Cash Bar

An open bar is expensive for you, but doesn't cost guests anything, so they'll enjoy it. BUT

…more drunk people. Faster.

If that's what you want - drunk people - the open bar is the way to get it. Just kidding. I meant, people will loosen up and stay at the reception longer.

A cash bar is cheaper for you, but less people will take part as it will cost them. And actually, that part is something that experts say guests complain about the most and should never be your way to tighten your budget. So, throw out the cash bar concept forever.

But if you can't afford an open bar -

  • Provide a small selection of wine and beer, though when I say small, I mean there is still enough for every guest to have at least one thing. Look for sales and deals to save a little more money, and stock up throughout engagement.
  • Forego alcohol altogether. It may mean guests aren't partying until the next morning, but not offering alcohol at all is better than making people pay for it. Guests understand when you have to cut corners, as long as they're not having to take the brunt of it.