
" The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
Sun Tzu

I think it would be a safe bet to say that when we want to move, we want to move forward. And we want to move forward in a positive way.

But sometimes those two things don't align.

Sometimes we have information coming at us so fast that we move ahead without really thinking things through.

Sometimes we take too much time to think about the moves we want to make ... and we don't wind up moving at all.

The idea of personal productivity almost compels us to think that we must move forward at all times and at all costs. When this occurs, we end up just "checking off boxes" as opposed to "checking off the right boxes".

Further to that, many of us rarely do what I call "The Front End Work" when first expressing the desire to be more efficient and effective with work (and ultimately, life). Instead, we dive into a new paper planner, start making overwhelming to-do lists, and taking on far more than we could ever hope to achieve in a timely fashion.

That's where The Productivityist comes in.

This workbook focuses on the following areas of productivity:

  1. Task Management
  2. Email Management
  3. Idea Management
  4. Time Management

All of these elements play a crucial role in your daily life - not just in the workplace, either.

Each section focuses on one of these elements, and as you wrap up each section, you will come away with a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective on each of these areas.

You'll find each section has exercises for you to complete. I strongly encourage you to complete these exercises as you go, as they will help cement what you'll be hearing through the speakers of your audio device.

Feel free to print out the exercises if you work better on paper than on screen. Please do whatever it takes for this workbook to help you achieve the readiness you're looking for.

All right ... enough with the introductions.

It's time for you to get ready, so that you can get set and go forward in the best way possible.