Using The IDEA Criteria

The IDEA Criteria is something I use to evaluate each and every big idea that I have, so that I know whether or not it is worth moving forward on-or how much time I want to invest at any given point. It is broken down as follows:

As you can see, the four items spell out the word IDEA ... which is clearly intentional. But it is really not forced in that all of those four

Ideals that I hold must be upheld by pursuing it.

Does not interfere with anything else that I am excited about.In fact, it should complement it in some form or another.

Excitement about the idea must be lasting.

Able to generate direct or passive income.

Things are what makes a good idea something that can take hold, gain momentum, and lead to greater things for all involved.

Leaving something that is pretty much a "sure thing" and making changes is scary stuff. I've done it plenty of times and I still get scared-which means that it's something worthwhile. But I don't just run into (or away from) something without weighing my options.

Having this tool in my arsenal makes the scary stuff less scary. Or perhaps it gives me an informed willingness to take on new things rather than stay still and do the same old things. Either way, the IDEA Criteria helps me make better decisions, and I have no doubt it will also serve you well.