Using the above exercises isn't the only way that you can manage your ideas. There are certain pieces of technology-both digital and analog-that will help you get the most out of the ideas that you want to make happen and help you decide which ones aren't worth pursuing at all. Here's a list of those tools that I have used and recommend.
Keep in mind that these are some of the tools I've looked at personally and feel can work for people. I may be missing some, but it is only because I wasn't a fan of them, or simply haven't tried them yet. I also have not listed pricing here as that can change over time. For more resources, including an up-to-date list of tools that you can use, visit the Idea Management page on New and useful options will be added to the list regularly.
This app is one that can help propel you forward, but it does so through in-the-moment prompting. Unstuck has an amazing interface and is an excellent app to have on your iPad for those instances where you just get, well ... stuck.
Idea Bucket
This app lets you weigh ideas using real data, so the look and feel may be more clinical, but sometimes that's just what you need when looking at options for a new product or entrepreneurial pursuit.
QuestionUpWith QuestionUp, you can brainstorm your ideas, review them, and share them, all while asking yourself the tough questions along the way. Better still: because you'll spend time examining things in this app, it will make them that much more real-and that means you're closer to making them happen.
NeuYear Calendar
The NeuYear calendar shows you the whole year at once, meaning you can layout your goals for the year, and see the big picture plans for your year in one place. It's tailor-made to be used for an idea calendar and is also available as a dry-erase calendar.
Creative's Outfitter Stationary
This store sells the analog wing of the Action Method gear but also much more. With radiant and inspiring colors, what they offer can really help make ideas happen.
Knock Knock Stationary
With products like the Life Log Idea Notebook, these products are a pleasure to use. Knock Knock really does put the "fun" back in function.