How To Make Time Work For You

Like Sand Through the Hourglass

"...these are The Days of Our Lives."

Yes, it sounds cheesy-especially since that quote was taken from a daytime soap opera-but it is true. Time passes by without thinking about who it's affecting her how it's affecting them. Just as we can't control Mother Nature, we can't control Father Time.

But we can deal with time better. And that's what this section is all about.

It's been said that "the early bird gets the worm".

There are numerous articles on the web where writers tell you that one of the best ways to become more productive is to get up early. By doing so, you get a jumpstart on the rest of the world and reap the benefits of a quiet work environment-among other things.

Yet for the amount of articles about getting up early, there are many people who struggle to do just that.

And I'm one of them.

I tried time and time again to get up early, to "reset my internal clock" to make that happen ... and I wasn't able to make it stick. While failure isn't the worst thing in the world, after trying to become an early riser more times than I can remember, this quote came to mind:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Now I wasn't doing the exact same thing each time I made an effort to change my sleeping and waking habits, but I realized that the act of trying to change my habits was the problem.

That's where the insanity was coming into play.

I was frustrated that I simply couldn't do what I thought I should be able to do-and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working.

And then it came to me: I was not meant to be an early riser. I am a night owl-and I needed to embrace that rather than fight it.