Kickstarter Facts & Stats

Before we get rolling, here's some food-for-thought about Kickstarter. Please know I'm not sharing this information with you to rain on your parade--only to help you set realistic expectations and prepare mentally, emotionally and financially for your campaign.

Kickstarter Stats


Chart from Kickstarter Statistics Blog, June 2015

When Kickstarter debuted in 2009, it's primary goal was to help fund projects for musicians, artists, actors and screenwriters. And 6 years later, there are more music and art driven projects on the platform than any other category.

However, projects like Pebble Watches and Oculus Rift are blazing the trail for both tech and product design projects. Even though music and art projects hold the vast majority, gaming, design and tech projects bring in the most funds.

Kickstarter Facts: You have to spend money to make money

I'll teach you everything you'll need to develop strong content for your project page, but you'll still need to bring on professionals for it to impact and impress the Kickstarter community.

Set a reasonable budget to hire a small Creative Team: a graphic designer, videographer, photographer and copywriter.

You'll also need help keeping things on track before, during and after your project goes live. I recommend finding a capable Project Manager; a natural task-master who knows how to take initiative.

And, last but certainly not least, you'll need an experienced, patient Customer Service representative to handle all communication channels. This person is responsible for keeping the conversation going between backers--and potential backers--on your project wall, Kickstarter inbox, social media accounts and any other way people can get a hold of you.

The success of your campaign depends on the performance of this core team--invest time and money in them and give them what they need to get the job done right the first time.

All right, enough chit-chat...let's get started!