A lot of people go to grad school, which is painfully stupid in 95% of all situations. They will put themselves in 6-figure debt, and their earning potential will not go up substantially because they didn't attend a top-tier school. Two years and $100K down the drain. Most people considering grad school would be better served watching lectures on Academic Earth and reading books on the Personal MBA list for the next two years.
Other people travel after they're done with college. This is great, and I fully support anyone who chooses to do it, but most of us don't have the funds to pull off expensive trips right away.
A tiny percentage of graduates try to start their own companies when they're done with school. Again, I think this is great if you have the emotional fortitude, but not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
I'd like to believe, however, that all of us want to work on things we genuinely care about and live a life that isn't being held back by a job we hate, right?
We all want to wake up excited for what weʼre about to work on, and go to sleep at the end of the day with a sense of pride and accomplishment