Last year Global Affairs Canada issued a message to Canadians
and to the broader global community that Canada's new development
agenda would be centered on supporting the poor and most vulnerable
and the empowerment of women and girls. Since then, Global Affairs
Canada has been actively promoting the need for a feminist approach
to development in all of its areas of activity, from food security
and sustainable economic growth to governance, maternal newborn and
child health, humanitarian support, and peace and security. Also in
2016, at the Congress of the International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) in Abu Dhabi, the United Nations'
Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Wu
Hongbo, issued his own strong message that Supreme Audit
Institutions (SAIs) - independent public bodies mandated to ensure
the proper and effective use of public funds using a variety of
auditing techniques - have an important role to play in achieving
the goals set out in the UN's2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (the SDGs). These SDGs prioritize the empowerment of
women and girls as a prerequisite for sustainable and inclusive
development. Building on the Under-Secretary-General's statement
noted above, and with Global Affairs Canada set to release its
renewed international assistance policy following the conclusion of
its International Assistance Review, this white paper serves as an
opportunity for development practitioners and policy-makers to
better understand this important relationship between effective
SAIs and sustainable, inclusive development. In doing so, the paper
underlines the importance of continuing to invest in governance
institutions such as SAIs as critical and complementary tools for
improving the lives of the most vulnerable, including women and
girls, in the world's least developed countries.
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