Hi there and thanks for checking out the Ultimate Event Planning Checklist!
I am super excited about being able to share my knowledge with you and hopefully can help create the amazing event you envisioned. The information is presented in an easy to follow checklist format in chronological order starting with the pre-planning right through to the post-event wrap up. It will guide you through many of the necessary steps to successfully plan your event so you can breathe easy.
Please keep in mind that this guide is just that. It will not guarantee an event at the end or the success thereof. You will need to put in a lot of effort and hard work to accomplish this and hopefully The Ultimate Event Planning Checklist will assist you in doing so. As this is a general all-inclusive checklist designed to service all sorts of events, some of the sections may not apply or be irrelevant. Alternately, there may be something more specific you need or have questions about your event. If this is the case , please feel free to leave me a comment and I'll be sure to answer it.
Good luck!
Mark Morrison