Adding App To Chrome Web Store

The Hack - Adding SaaS App to Chrome Web Store

AARRR stage - Acquisition

Growth Problem - Increase Exposure for Your SaaS App


According to the browser usage stats published at W3Schools, more than 60% of those who access the internet do so using Google Chrome. That's more than half of the online population! What's more, sales of Chromebooks are surging and have surpassed 5 million units in 2014.

As a growth hacker, this makes adding your app to the Chrome Web Store a no-brainer for the purpose of gaining additional exposure. Not only that but an even lesser known hack is that you can also add your website too! Just imagine the added traffic-generating benefits of such a simple move.

Hopefully, you don't need further convincing that this is a wise investment of $5. So, let's get down to the business of actually adding yourself to the Chrome app ecosystem.

Just Hack It:

  1. First, make sure that your app adheres to Google's design principles. Basically, make sure it's not ugly!
  2. Then follow the Google Developer step-by-step instructions to get your app on the Store. You can also read a simplified version on the Reliablesoft site
  3. There are also a few additional steps that you can take to make your app stand out:
    1. Pay particular attention to the promo image that you use. Once again, try not to stray too far from Google's guidelines
    2. Choose the right category for your app. This one seems like a no-brainer but it can make a noticeable difference to whether people find you in the first place
    3. Get
    4. You can read additional tips from Ecquire to see how they've hacked the growth of their Chrome extension.

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