Buy PPC Ads Around Events To Promote Product

The Hack - Use PPC Ads to Promote Your App During Events

AARRR stage - Acquisition

Growth Problem - How to Piggyback Off Events


How many events can you think of that occur in your industry that would be great as a platform for promoting your SaaS app? Problem is, it normally costs a pretty penny to be an exhibitor and, as a startup founder, you don't normally have the means to attend all of them (or any of them).

That's no reason for you to not try and 'growth hack' your way into the biggest gatherings of the year, virtually. If you already have a solid content strategy is in place, then your editorial calendar will already have most of the relevant happenings referenced in it.

But it's not all about organic content, as you can also use paid advertising during these events in order to tap into the buzz. Google Adwords is perfect for this. Now pick the event of your choice and follow the instructions below.

Just Hack It:

  1. Firstly, if you don't have an editorial calendar and no content strategy in place then the Content Marketing Institute have a great free guide that can help you to develop one
  2. Once you know what events you want to target, do some keyword research and general brainstorming to figure out what keywords event-goers may use
  3. If it is a new event for which keyword data is not readily available, you may have to make some educated guesses and then test different keywords during the event. A good starting point is different variations on the event's name
  4. Keep in mind, that people start research events early so you may want to run different ad campaigns on the lead-up to the event, while it is going and potentially even after it has finished.

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