The ‘Skyscraper’ Content Marketing Technique

The Hack - Use 'Skyscraper' Technique for Producing Awesome Content

AARRR stage - Acquisition

Growth Problem - How to Bolster Your Content Marketing


Content marketing is hard work. There's a reason they call it 'feeding the beast'. And the more you feed it the hungrier it gets. It's easy to run out of content ideas and then think about running for the hills in order to get away from this content-crazy civilization of ours. But don't give up yet! There is an easier way to do this.

Think about the number of blog posts and articles that you've seen after reading which you've thought to yourself: "I could expand on that and make it my own." Well, that is our Growth Hack of the Day for you. Here's a more detailed explanation of what you need to do.

Just Hack It:

  1. Do some sleuthing for content that ranks highly or is fairly visible in your industry. You can do this using apps such as BuzzSumo, Topsy and others
  2. Take your newfound content, analyze it and then graft your own brilliant thoughts and ideas on top of it
  3. Package your thoughts into a brand-spanking new blog post and reach out to the same people who promoted the original piece of content
  4. There, no more searching in the abyss with a flashlight for content inspiration! It is now at your beck and call.

Source or Inspiration: